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Repent - Matthew 4:17

"Repent, for the Kingdom of God is at hand."

It is God's cry through the prophets throughout the Old Testament - "Repent! Turn back to Me." This is different - "Repent! I have come close to you."

In the light of all Jesus did, all He said when he took on flesh, how can I respond with anything but what He asks?

Repent - turn away from. Replace the things that draw my attention with the wholly attractive and all consuming face of God mad flesh.

What would it look like if I replaced all the time I spend on my phone with contemplation of the One who loves me? How would I manifest the love of God in new ways when I know it so much better because it consumes my random thought?

All things but Jesus in moderation.

Repentance in full measure because God has come near to me and calls me away from a life wasted on inconsequential things.


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