"Follow Me and I will make you fishers of men." I grew up hearing those words as something Jesus said to the disciples . I never thought He was calling me to be a fisher. After all, I don't particularly like fishing. But my faith isn't only a faith that makes me happy. Or, at least my initial revulsion at something - like this command - is an indication that my own stuff is getting in the way of following. Because Jesus promises me joy in the end . From The Vulnerable Way (sermon) the other week, I remember it was for the joy set before Him that He endured the cross. This promise that the last thing will be the best thing - it's hard to remember in the midst of pain and struggle. And what if the whole "fishers of men" bit is about giving me a higher calling than the job I do? Might He say instead to me, since web accessibility is my primary focus at work, "You can make my Kingdom accessible to all people. Leave behind the wor...
My head is often a chaotic place to live. I hope it inspires you to think about what's in yours and to open it up to the love of God exactly the way it is.