I have a rule that I fully intend to enforce with my kids before they get married. Ask Vince. He's heard it often enough! The rule is this: "Before you can get married, you have to tell me three things you don't like about the person you want to marry and the things that you love so much about them that you're willing to put up with the bad stuff." And really, instead of "don't like" you might substitute "can't stand" or "hate" more effectively. When I walked into marriage, I had some pretty twisted views of me, of my hubby, and of marriage in general. I really and truly believed that things would magically be wonderful when we got married. You know, like suddenly I would be the person Rick really wanted me to be. I would be a cleanie. Love would cover a multitude of shortcomings and issues and communication problems. Unsurprisingly, the reality has been very different. Marriage has been difficult and fraught with...
My head is often a chaotic place to live. I hope it inspires you to think about what's in yours and to open it up to the love of God exactly the way it is.